Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Exchange rate

We%26#39;ve been holding out to buy our dollars/traveller%26#39;s cheques for our trip in September and to our dismay the rate seems to have been dropping steadily over the last few weeks. However, we%26#39;ve been told its likely to go up again by the end of the summer - any thoughts/ideas/suggestions?

Exchange rate

We%26#39;ve been planning a vaca to Canada and have been watching the rates too. Honestly it%26#39;s always a gamble like the money market. Commonly the rates will change over the summer as more people vacation and spend money. You can wait and hope unti the last minute over a few cents on the dollar or you can prepare ahead of time and stop stressing. Have a great trip!

Exchange rate

Do the rates normally go up over the summer or fall? I%26#39;m clueless!! Kicking ourselves we didnt cash in a few weeks ago when it was 1.85 to the pound :(

its 1.81 today- i guess thats still good going?? i just need to save up more cash before buying- instead of having to pay commission rates everytime.

Have you tried travelex online? Beware That%26#39;s online and not at the airport! They had the best rates (I looked around a lot) and I could pick it up at the airport or have it delivered with out getting ripped off with low rates and comission charges. Another good place is Marks and Spencers, though their rate may be slightly lower.

Many people suggest just taking your bank card and getting it whilst you%26#39;re there, but some banks charge for this (Nationwide doesn%26#39;t). However, if you%26#39;re like me then you prefer to have some cash on you before you go.

Enjoy NYC!

The problem we%26#39;ve found it when checking the internet or teletext then the rates are always higher than in high street agents (M%26amp;S included, I usually use them as they are commission free and usually have the best rate). I think the higher rates are only applicable if you are exchanging a lot of money (i.e. 拢5000+). I may well be wrong though!

1. If anyone could predict future exchange rates, they could make millions of dollars/pounds.

2. If you are changing pounds (or any currency) to dollars, you will always get a better rate if you exchange them in the US.

3. You will get the best rate by getting dollars in ATMs in NY with your bank card or by using a credit card.

We were wondering the same thing as we too are travelling to NYC in September. We got our hotel money in dollars about 6 weeks ago when the rate was 1.82. We saved about 拢100 by not buying them a few weeks earlier when it was 1.68 Couldn%26#39;t afford to exchange anymore pounds at the time. I keep checking the HSBC website as we found them to be the best rate out of the few sites we checked. No commission either. It%26#39;s becoming an obsession actually!!! The last time I went USA it was 1.58 but that was few years ago.

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